Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The choices we make

If there is one thing I have learned in my almost 5 years of being a parent, it is that some situations lead to a quick decision, and you can't regret what choice you've made. But sometimes I do. Take, for example, my situation last night. Due to excessive playing outdoors, my kids were beyond worn out by bedtime. Hunter usually takes a little while to fall asleep, but last night, all was quiet pretty soon after I closed his door. Despite the speed at which he drifted off to dreamland, he found the time to poop in his pants beforehand. Had I had this realization before he fell asleep, I would have definitely changed his pull-up. Unfortunately, however, I was not in-the-know. So a choice had to  be made - to wake him up and change him or not. He has never been one to poop while sleeping, so he had to know the poop was there before he fell asleep. So technically, he made the choice to do it and fall asleep with it. Do I let it fly, or do I disturb his peacefulness? Anyone who has ever had a 2 year old knows how difficult it can be to get him/her to go to bed, so the one night he does it easily, should I ruin it? Well, I chose to leave well enough alone. If he is capable of relaxing in such a state, who am I to take that comfort away from him? I later regretted it when I suppose it just became too much to bear, and he woke me up at 1:00 in the morning, begging me to change it. I should have changed it when I noticed it. You live and learn.
But my day of quick decisions was not over. I was awakened again at 5:30  by the sound of Tally flushing the potty. She immediately went back to her room and fell back asleep with her light on. All morning, until it was time to go to the bus stop, I questioned whether or not she should go to school. She said her belly didn't feel well, but she wanted to go to school. She didn't eat any breakfast, which should have been a tell tale sign. I ignored the red flags, went against my better judgement, took her word for it when she said she was ok, and I sent her on her way to school. Soon after, she threw up on the bus. I know my child. I knew she wasn't quite right. I should have kept her home. But I am just not up to par on these quick decisions that parenting is forcing me to make! You live and learn.

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